
3 Guinness zapisa obara Tuzla - The 3 guinness records achieved by Tuzla

Tri Ginisova zapisa su oborena u  Tuzli, u tri različite prigode.
Three guinness records have been broken in Tuzla, in three different occasions.

Većina ljudi ljubi se u isto vrijeme
Most people kissing in the same time
U 2006 Tuzla obara rekord "većina ljudi ljubi se u isto vrijeme" rekord: 7 hiljada ili više parova je bilo  istovremeno ispred Mercatora.  Oborili smo Ginisov rekord u poljupcima,rekord koji su prije nas držali Mađari sa 6.400 parova. 
In 2006 Tuzla broke the "most people kissing in the same time" record: 7 thousands or more couple were kissing simultaneously in front of the Mercator. We shot down Ginusov record in kissing, a record that have before us kept the Hungarians with 6400 pairs.

«Prolazeći pored Mercatora,osvrnuo sam se na stranu sasvim slucajno,kad tamo na platou mnoštvo parova koji su se spremali  da učine nešto. Na poćetku nisam znao o ćemu je rijeć dok nisam prišao tamo i uvidio se sam. Parovi su poceli da se ljube,bilo ih je oko 7 ili 8 hiljada. Bilo mi je drago vidjeti to,ali žao što nisam pored sebe imao svoju curu.»
«I was walking by Mercator, when I looked at side quite accident and there on the tableland there were a multitude of couples who were getting ready to do something. At the beginning I didn’t know what it was about, until I went there and saw by myself... Couples began to kiss, there were about 7 or 8 thousands people! I was glad to see it, but it made me sad, coz my girlfriend was not with me.»

Novi Ginisov rekord u masovnom plesanju valcera. Tuzla "oborila" Beč !!!
A new Guinness record in mass dancing waltzer. Tuzla "broke" Vienna!
U Tuzli 1510 registrovanih plesnih parova oborilo Guinnessov rekord u bečkom valceru. U fantastičnoj atmosferi na Trgu slobode plesalo i staro i mlado.
Tuzlaci su se noćas po drugi put upisali u Guinnessovu knjigu rekorda. Ovoga puta sa bečkim valcerom. Čak 1510 plesnih parova plesalo je noćas na Trgu slobode. U fantastičnom ambijentu Bosanci i Hercegovci poslali su u svijet sliku prave Bosne i Hercegovine, onakve kakva ona ustvari i jeste a ne one kakvima je neki žele predstaviti. Poruka, zajedništva, tolerancije, mira, otišla je iz Tuzle, simbola ljubavi. Uz taktove bečkog valcera, kojeg su specijalno za ovu priliku svirali tamburaši Tamburaškog društva Sloboda iz Tuzle, njihali su se i stari i mladi. Tako je Tuzla još jednom pokazala da su Bosanci i Hercegovci odavno dio Evrope.
In Tuzla 1510 registered dance couples broke the Guinness record for the Viennese waltz. In a fantastic atmosphere in the Freedom Square there were young and old ones dancing.People who were that night in Tuzla, they was for the second time entering the Guinness Book of Records. This time, with the Viennese waltz. The magic atmosphere of Bosnians was sent to the world, the true picture of Bosnia and Herzegovina, just the way it really is, and not the one that they always want to present.Our message of unity, tolerance, peace, was sent from Tuzla, like a symbol of love. Accompanied by the Viennese waltz and played by “Freedom from Tuzla Tamburitza Society” for that special occasion, that message was swaying through the young and the old ones.So in this way, Tuzla showed once again that Bosnian people has always been part of  the european population.

Tuzlaci treći put oborili Ginisov rekord,3,417 plesaća u vodi

People from Tuzla knocked Guinness record of 3.417 dancers in water for the third time!

Izvodeći aerobik u Panonskom jezeru u Tuzli 3.417 učesnika uspjelo je oboriti Ginisov rekord u ovoj disciplini. Dosadašnji rekord sa 2.048 učesnika držala je tajlandska plaža Pattaya.
Performing aerobics in the Pannonian Lake in Tuzla, 3.417 participants managed to break the Guinness record in this discipline. The previous record of 2048 participants was held by the Thailand beach Pattaya. 

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