
Nakit ručne izrade, kao novi oblik poslovanja - Handmade Jewelry as a new kind of business

Lejla Delalić studentica je prava iz Tuzle, velika obožavateljica mode i kreativna djevojka. Nakit je počela praviti za svoje potrebe, međutim, ubrzo se stvorio čitav krug zainteresiranih mušterija. Od jako jednostavnih stvari u stanju je napraviti pravo malo čudo.
Pravi prstenje, broševe, rajfove, u stilu koji želite i s materijalima koje odaberete. Njena mašta nema kraja... Ovo su samo neki od njezinih uradaka.

Lejla Delalic is a 23 years old Law student from Tuzla, she is a huge fan of fashion and a very creative person. She began to make jewelry for her self, but in a short period of time the word about her craft spread and she had a huge number of potential customers around her. She is capable of making any kind of jewelry of very common and simple materials.
Rings, necklaces, brooches, hair fillets could be ordered in the stile that you like and made out of materials that you wish. Her imagination does not have limits.

Lejla Delalic: http://lookbook.nu/lejla

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