
Mjesta za vidjeti, ako želite posjetiti Tuzlu - Place to view if you want to visit Tuzla

Tuzla je grad i općina u Bosni i Hercegovini. U vrijeme popisa stanovništva1991, to je 83.770 stanovnika, a općina 131.318. Uzimajući priliv izbjeglica u obzir, grad trenutno se procjenjuje da su 174.558 stanovnika. Nakon Sarajeva i Banja Luke, Tuzle je treći po veličini grad u Bosni i Hercegovini, a sjedišteTuzlanskog Kanton i Općina Tuzla.Naziv "Tuzla" je Turska riječ za rudnik soli, a odnosi se na opsežnu soli depozita nadjeni ispod grada.
Tuzla is a city and municipality inBosnia and Herzegovina. At the time of the 1991 census, it had 83,770 inhabitants, while the municipality 131,318. Taking the influx of refugees into account, the city is currently estimated to have 174,558 inhabitants. After Sarajevo, and Banja Luka, Tuzla is the third largest city in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the seat of the Tuzla kanton  and Tuzla Municipality. The name "Tuzla" is theTurkish word for salt mine, and refers to the extensive salt deposits found underneath the city.

Pokolj na vratima također poznat kao zločin protiv mladih Tuzla je jedan od najgorih zločina počinjenih nad civilima u Tuzli 25. svibnja 1995. godine. Srpske snage su na taj dan u 20 sati i 55 minuta od Ozrena ispalio granatu na Tuzlu parada ili mjesto okupljanja mladih ljudi poznat kao vrata.Mort ljuska poginulo 71 građana Tuzle, a preko 150 ranjenih.Prosječna starost umrlih građana Tuzle bio je oko 24 godina.

The massacre at the Gate also known as a crime against the youth of Tuzla is one of the worst crimes committed against civilians in Tuzla 25th May 1995. year. Serbian forces were on that day at 20 hours and 55 minutes from Ozren fired a grenade at Tuzla parade or meeting place of young people known as the gate. A mortar shell killed 71 citizens of Tuzla, and over 150 wounded. The average age of deceased citizens of Tuzla was about 24 years of age.

 Panonska slanih jezera su umjetna jezera u Tuzli.Prvo jezero je u 2003.drugi 2006. godine. U kompleksu Panonskog jezera je također Sojeničko neolitika baštine, sportski tereni, slane vodopade i mnogi drugi sadržaji.Jezera se nalaze u centru Tuzle. Panonska jezera je jedinstveni primjer slanih jezera u Europi.

Pannonian salt lakes are man-made lake of Tuzla. The first lake made ​​in 2003. a second 2006th year. In the complex Pannonian lake is also Sojeničko Neolithic heritage, sports fields, salty waterfalls and many other facilities. The lakes are located in downtown Tuzla. Pannonian lake is a unique example of saltwater lakes in Europe.
Stara česma

Bivši ulaz u Behram begovoj Madrasa.Behram Beg medrese u Tuzli je najstarija obrazovna institucija u sjeveroistočnoj Bosni i među najstarijim u madrasas našeg podneblja. Relevantne povijesni izvori upućuju na to da je počela s radom prije 1626. Godine. Izgradnja Medrese u 19. stoljeću, sagrađena u arapsko-maurskom stilu, a tijekom svoje povijesti je više puta restaurirana i obnovljena.
The former entrance to Behram Beg Madrasa.Behram Beg Madrasa in Tuzla is the oldest educational institution in northeastern Bosnia and among the oldest of madrasas our climate. Relevant historical sources indicate that began operations before the 1626th year. Building Medrese in the 19th century, was built in the Arab-Moorish style, and during its history has repeatedly restored and rebuilt.
Koza je simbol Tuzle
The goat is the symbol of Tuzla

Tuzla je grad bogat raznim arheoloskim bogatstvima .Ovaj jedinstven prostor ima visestruko znacenje ,ne samo za turisticku ponudu Tuzle i regiona nego i u pogledu kulturno-historijskog naslijedja .Panonska jezera ,Sojenicka naselja ,i mnoga  druga bogatstva koja privlace turisticke oci sve vise iz dana u dan .
Tuzla is a city with a rich variety of archaeological riches. This unique space has multiple meanings, not only for the tourism offer and the region but also in terms of cultural and historical heritage. Pannonian lake, Sojenicka settlements, and many other resources that attract tourism more and more fathers from the days day.

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